Update 0.16.0

We've done major things like update multiplayer, Add haptics for controller and more! Plus, multiplayer has gotten the BIGGEST update of all time! So you'll need to be prepared. Multiplayer is now introducing an Account system. You'll register with an Username, Email and Password. And to log in you'll be using just a username and password. After logging in, We're using our new save system to save a account.save into your AppData/LocalLow/Set-6502/Anoix/saves/account.save that'll hold your account information. The new save system is using a brand new Binary Formatter to save it's information across the device. Your Multiplayer Account Information, Map times and User Settings will now be stored inside AppData/LocalLow/Set-6502/Anoix/saves Inside this folder you'll have your saves in there. We've rewritten this because the old system saved it to a system registery... And you cant really delete those. So this system is more dynamic and easier to get rid of! Also, In multiplayer there's now a loading screen instead of a black screen! It'll say stuff like "Reaching Server", "Connecting to room" and "Joining room" so that you're not unaware of the progress from the black screen. The loading screen has also gotten an update. The music now fades in and out while transitioning and there's a newer calmer music peice for it too!

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