NEWS WHERE'S 0.16.0?!

NEWS WHERE'S 0.16.0?!

Update after a while? Maybe, 0.16.0's going to be the most polished and updated thing ever!

We've taken down the game on major sites like Itch dot io and the Microsoft store for a reason. The game was at an absolutely broken state. The Multiplayer was bugged. Maps were broken. Features we're working on a standing toothpick but now. Now it's all being fixed! So I promise this update is going to be a game changer! After this. We're going to bring the game closer to release! We're going to attempt small weekly updates but we're making sure they're polished! This update doesn't have an estimated time as that puts a lot of stress on me and causes stuff to break.. Fast and easily.. We're sorry but this will come out within I'd have to say a month? But this update is going to be awesome! So be ready!


Itch dot io(PC/ANDROID) :

Microsoft Store ( PC/XBOX) :

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