Attention about 0.16.0


So, First up. We're sorry but the update is going to pushed back for a while because of a LOT of bugs. Examples: Android build crashing on launch for no reason ( actually, We've found out why and are fixing this right now ), Loading screen Freezing randomly, Multiplayer being inconsistent, Multiplayer Account Issues, and so many more. So, the game's downloads are Unlisted because of said issues.

We're hoping to have the update out sometime this week but the date won't have an estimated time. We're going to work as much and hard as possible to polish this update so much that you won't recognize it from the Base Game! First up. We're going to redo some of the store UI if you were peeking at the update withing the day time frame that it was up for. Right now it's not too well and looks like a prototype menu.

In the Main Menu, Have you been wondering, "Hey Set-6502, What's that weird fenced off area?" Well I'm glad you asked! We're going to turn that into a mini shooting range. Similar to Doom Eternals demon pit. You'll be able to practice your skills against waves of enemies. Think about this as COD Zombies + Doom Eternal's demon pit + Anoix = Awesomeness! So be ready!

For multiplayer? We're completely remaking the thing. I'm talking major update to EVERYTHING! So I'm thinking about having your device store everything ( no I don't mean in a file, I mean your device will be authenticated via a device specific ID. In app purchases might come in handy. It originally used a device specific ID to label your account information but if I'm adding in-app purchases I'm thinking about some form of email thing so you don't completely lose your stuff!

In total, Complete overhaul and bug fixes for everything! I'm also planning to get this game onto Google Play but.. I'm not 18 years old, and you need an State ID to prove that you're of age to upload. So I'll see what I can do about that ( I'm not faking ID's, I'm going to see if I can find a way to upload it unpublicly )

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